Blueprint Leadership Coaching

RE:Focus Workshop


Lockdown is hard for leaders.

Most leaders love to plan. We look forwards, we figure out strategy, we set goals and motivate people towards them.

If this time has taught us anything, it’s that you can’t plan right now. We don’t know what’s going to happen next. We don’t know what the world will look like after lockdown.

Lockdown has forced us to restructure so many areas of our lives - work, relationships, exercise, rest. Trying to do all that adjustment at once can be overwhelming. For many of us, things feel out of sync.

But that doesn’t mean we’re stuck.

What IF You’re being planted and prepared during lockdown for what God will do next?

What if this time could be like an incubator where something significant is happening in hiddenness?

We can’t plan right now - but we can position ourselves to join in God’s plan.

That requires discernment. It can be hard to do deep thinking and questioning alone.

The good news is, you’re not alone. There are many more people out there looking for a space with others to reassess and get back on track.

That’s what RE:Focus is about: Kingdom leaders gathering to explore questions like, “What is God calling me to?”; “Where is God sending me?”; and “What habits could I build now in preparation for whatever comes next?”

We are going to run together - growing alongside one another, cheering each other on and providing loving accountability as we each take next steps into God’s calling.

We’ll leave more alive in our calling and greater equipped to give the gift of our transformed self to those we love and serve.

How do I know if this is for me?

As I’ve been coaching with other Kingdom leaders during lockdown, some common themes emerged:

  • Leaders are saying they want to serve others but don’t want to burn out.

  • They want to discern how to best pursue their calling but aren’t sure where to start.

  • They’re finding it harder to be still but want to go deeper with God.

  • They’re wrestling with how lockdown has shaken their regular rhythms and routine. They’re looking to re-prioritise and make a plan to keep what’s most important in focus.

  • And they don’t want to go alone. They want to grow in a community of passionate people and take steps forward together.

If this sounds like you too, come join us at RE:Focus.

The Kingdom is still coming. This is your invitation to refocus with us and position yourself for what God will do next.

I found being with such quality people and listening to their stories such a privilege and encouragement. Their wisdom was priceless and I wanted to hear more!
— Julie-Ann
God has been working through this program to get me back on track to where He would like me to be.
— Christian
I learnt that it is in speaking out vision and hopes to others that they begin to feel more real.
— Emily

You’ll learn:

  • A clearer vision of your calling that can work like a compass, helping you make decisions and stay focused on what really matters to move forwards

  • How to recognise what posture you need in this season - and why it matters!

  • Strategies to figure out where to put your time and energy

  • How to build lasting transformational habits and create environments that work for you (rather than against you!)

  • How to encourage, lead and help other people through their journeys

You’ll also get:

  • To learn with other Kingdom-seekers who are passionate about growing purposefully

  • Access to resources that help leaders around the world

  • Community to collaborate with, to cheer you on, and who will provide you with loving accountability

  • Personal 1-1 support with me via email

  • To invest in emerging leaders in marginalised communities - 10% of workshop proceeds will go towards leaders in the Surrender Leadership Program

  • If you’re one of the first 10 registrants, you’ll join the workshop at the lowest price it will ever be

What an awesome workshop! Super relevant, encouraging and fun. I loved it and got heaps out of it.
— Johnathan
It’s simple, yet so incredibly life changing!
— Laura


When and where is the workshop?

The workshop is currently booked out. Please register below to get your name on the waiting list when the workshop reopens.

Who is going to be there?

Other people hungry to grow into who God is calling them to be. Our culture will be welcoming, encouraging, and intentional about moving forwards together. You won’t just be hearing each other speak - you’ll be actively helping each other transform!

How much does it cost?

$226.88AUD (incl. GST). I know that lockdown is challenging for all of us and I want to keep the price low. It is my gift to give you this glimpse of what I do 1 on 1 with leaders across a year, so you can discern and take your next steps now.

How do I get started?

Enter your details below and you will be amongst the first contacted when the next workshop series opens.

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Registration of Interest